Schools - Tasmania
Category |
Web page |
Details and further information |
Government schools
Government school
directory: A to Z |
Provides street, postal and email address,
fax no., principal's name and phone number, plus links to website,
School Improvement Record and My School website page. (Department of Education, Tasmania)
See also: -
List of schools in Tasmania (Wikipedia). -
Australian Schools Directory
Government school home-area maps |
Provides maps of local school home
areas (ie, intake areas). Three links to choose from: -
Home-area maps (school intake areas) - Schools in
Learning Services regions (enables you to find whether your
school is in LS South, LS North or LS North West) - Google
Eartrh file: School home-area maps
Non-government schools
Non-government schools - Non-Government Schools Registration Board's list (If this document has moved,
go to
Non-Government Schools Registration Board and click on "School
Directory".) |
Provides street, postal and email address, and phone
number, of each school.
See also: -
List of schools in Tasmania (Wikipedia) -
All Tasmania Private Schools (Non-Government Schools Guide) -
Australian Schools Directory
Training institutions - Tasmania
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Details and further information |
Training institutions
Skills Tasmania
had been originally known as TAFE (at
It was also referred to as the TSI - Tasmanian Skills Institute. It is
a TAFE again, now called TasTAFE.